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This guide is designed to provide an FST or customer the ability to add a soft option to a mill or lathe that is currently working and installed in the field. The customer either has added requirements or wants to add functionality to the TRAK investment.

  1. Customer requests Customer Service Group (CSG) to add a soft option. For this example, the user has requested a Contour Handwheel Option to be added to the machine. Sales order form is created.
    • Customer requests Customer Service Group (CSG) to add a soft option. For this example, the user has requested a Contour Handwheel Option to be added to the machine. Sales order form is created.

    • During the ordering process, CSG requests SD Card number for the machine to be upgraded with the new option if not supplied on the sales order form.

  2. To access Siemens licenses, go to this page.  You need to supply purchasing@siemens login in credentials. Select "Consignee" button, which allows us to access the certificates with the license information for all the software that comes with the machines and any additional options we purchase
    • To access Siemens licenses, go to this page. You need to supply purchasing@siemens login in credentials.

    • Select "Consignee" button, which allows us to access the certificates with the license information for all the software that comes with the machines and any additional options we purchase

  3. Click on the "License Overview" button The License Overview screen will appear. If you set number of licenses per screen to 100, there are currently 5 screens to traverse. So you may have to scroll down quite a way  to find the option requested. This example highlights a Contour Handwheel license.  Note there are several above and one below the highlighted license.
    • Click on the "License Overview" button

    • The License Overview screen will appear. If you set number of licenses per screen to 100, there are currently 5 screens to traverse. So you may have to scroll down quite a way to find the option requested. This example highlights a Contour Handwheel license. Note there are several above and one below the highlighted license.

    • The Contour Handwheels above the selected option have a Hardware Serial No. associated with them meaning they have been assigned to a machine. We are looking for an option available for assignment.

    • Select the next one in line cascading down the screen as shown. You will need the "Delivery Note No." from column one and the "License No." from column four for the next step.

  4. On the far right of the Product Download screen, there is a place to edit under Actions displaying a pencil icon. Hitting that button creates the following pop-up, fill in with customer location or address information similar to other entries to record specific customer with this license. Press Save Changes at the bottom of the page.
    • On the far right of the Product Download screen, there is a place to edit under Actions displaying a pencil icon.

    • Hitting that button creates the following pop-up, fill in with customer location or address information similar to other entries to record specific customer with this license. Press Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

  5. Log in to the listed web site. Use the Delivery Note No. and License No. that you selected and place the numbers in the appropriate spaces shown. Respond to the security question and then press "Further" button just below the security question for the next screen. Enter SD Card number as indicated then press "Next"  just below the SD Card number entry. Another similar screen will appear with previously ordered products, hit "Next".
    • Log in to the listed web site. Use the Delivery Note No. and License No. that you selected and place the numbers in the appropriate spaces shown. Respond to the security question and then press "Further" button just below the security question for the next screen.

    • Enter SD Card number as indicated then press "Next" just below the SD Card number entry.

    • Another similar screen will appear with previously ordered products, hit "Next".

  6. Find License Number which you already have selected on previous screen indicated by the arrows. You can confirm this machine does not already have this option because of the "0" in the quantity column. If a "1" is shown, then the option is already added. In some cases, a number greater than one is used for an option which can have several copies per CNC. Highlight your number and check the box to request the license.
    • Find License Number which you already have selected on previous screen indicated by the arrows. You can confirm this machine does not already have this option because of the "0" in the quantity column. If a "1" is shown, then the option is already added.

    • In some cases, a number greater than one is used for an option which can have several copies per CNC.

    • Highlight your number and check the box to request the license.

    • This screen confirms your selection, press "Assign" to move to next step.

  7. Download Files alm and zip. These are emailed to the local FST updating the CNC. Sample files supplied by TRAK's Customer Service Group.
    • Download Files alm and zip. These are emailed to the local FST updating the CNC.

    • Sample files supplied by TRAK's Customer Service Group.

    • Next step, update the CNC

  8. From the controller pendant, press “Setup”, then either “>” or “2” to move to the second page of the Horizontal Soft Key (HSK) selections and then press “License”. The Vertical Soft Keys (VSK) show the options available to access your license. Place your USB in a USB drive on the right side of pendant. Press “Read in license key”. You will see a listing of files, select the USB (top or bottom to access your USB), traverse your directory path, find your new license file (.zip file) and press "Ok" if ready to download new license(s). Otherwise, press "Cancel".
    • From the controller pendant, press “Setup”, then either “>” or “2” to move to the second page of the Horizontal Soft Key (HSK) selections and then press “License”.

    • The Vertical Soft Keys (VSK) show the options available to access your license. Place your USB in a USB drive on the right side of pendant. Press “Read in license key”.

    • You will see a listing of files, select the USB (top or bottom to access your USB), traverse your directory path, find your new license file (.zip file) and press "Ok" if ready to download new license(s). Otherwise, press "Cancel".

  9. Back to the main screen, press "Reset (po)" to restart without powering off the mill.  It should be reset to make sure the new license is active.
    • Back to the main screen, press "Reset (po)" to restart without powering off the mill. It should be reset to make sure the new license is active.

    • The lower left corner of the screen shows the active license. You can verify here that the new license has taken effect. This license number should match the zip file name supplied by purchasing.

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Trent Plungas

Member since: 01/14/2021

69 Guides authored


Siemens Internal Member of Siemens Internal

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