This page will explain the five types of archives and the contents stored in each one. You may create an archive with any combination of these components as follows:
NCK: Numeric Control Kernel - Contains: CNC System, servo speed & position loops, program path, execute g code programs. Backup saves: Machine data: setting, option, global user, tool, magazine, protection zone, R parameters, zero offsets, workpieces & programs, manufacturer/user cycles, definitions, macros, collision avoid , compile cycles.
PLC: Programmable Logic Controller - Executes commands from NCK to create actions on mill, monitors mechanisms, safety, e-stop, door interlock. Backup saves: PLC user program.
Drives: Are the power units to run motors, executes position commands from NCK. Backup saves: Sinamics servo data.
HMI: Human Machine Interface - GUI - What is displayed on the touchscreen. Backup saves: Cycle storage, texts, templates, apps, configs, version data, logs, user views, dictionaries.
System Settings: This saves data that is stored on the HMI. Backup saves: Drive configurations, TCU (Thin Client Unit) settings, IP address, network settings (for embedded only), mmc.ini (screen info).
Press [E-Stop]
VMCsi control has several different password levels; user, service, and manufacturer. TRAK field service or assemblers will need to have service level if they need to backup or restore files. Archive can be done manu, service or user.
Wrench button in left side bar, press Setup. Use Page Select by either pressing the right arrow or Page 2.
The Horizontal Menu Level must be blank to allow you the correct level to access the Setup Archive button. If the Horizontal Menu Level contains an Up Arrow, press it as many times as it takes to clear.
Inset photo shows the makeup of this sample filename. You created a complete backup of all data components. Press Setup Archive.
All data will be highlighted, in the lower section click the circle near "Select Archive" which allows you specify your file selection. Press ok or you can cancel. wrong, highlight lower select archive
A new window pops up, traverse the files and click on the file you want to restore to the mill. Press Ok. highlight .dsf
The file name is displayed. You have the option of only restoring certain sections of the system. Checked boxes get restored. Removing a check will prevent that section from being restored. Press Ok to start the file restoration.
The archive operation will start and display a line of dots on the touchscreen lower right corner. Dots will scroll to the right and repeat for several minutes. The bar graph will update you on status. In addition, all of the green lights on the lower keyboard will flash at the same time during this process.
Message shows that that the data was read into the machine successfully, press ok to continue.
Almost done!
Finish Line