Shut power off to machine. The servos are run by 200 to 240 VAC. There is possibility of death by electrocution!
Remove covers on front of AC Drive. Number of screws will vary depending on size of drive.
Wait for red LED to turn off before attempting to disconnect power from AC Drive, lethal voltage is still present while LED is illuminated.
Remove Spindle Control cable from AC Drive.
Remove AC power input wires (L1-4, L2-4 & L3-4), braking resistor wires (B1 & B2), AC output power wires (SU, SV & SW) and lastly remove ground wires.
Remove the (4) SHCS attaching the AC Drive to the panel.
Reverse previous steps for re-installation.
Run machine throughout RPM range and confirm correct speed with a tachometer.
Almost done!
Finish Line