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  1. Verify controller is connected to the indexer, 120v supply, the computer module, and the 2 cables to the indexer Verify air line is connected and the supply is at 90PSI Turn on the power on the rear of the unit and release the "E-STOP" located on the front of the unit
    • Verify controller is connected to the indexer, 120v supply, the computer module, and the 2 cables to the indexer

    • Verify air line is connected and the supply is at 90PSI

    • Turn on the power on the rear of the unit and release the "E-STOP" located on the front of the unit

    • Once powered up the initial screen will appear.

    • Press "CYCLE START" to get to the manual mode screen.

    • Press "ZERO RETURN" to home the indexer. The display will be in the program screen, once homed.

  2. To enter manual mode press a "JOG" key If needed, use the jog key to move to a new desired home position and press and hold the "CLR" key for 3 seconds to set a new home position.
    • To enter manual mode press a "JOG" key

    • If needed, use the jog key to move to a new desired home position and press and hold the "CLR" key for 3 seconds to set a new home position.

    • In manual mode, the "P" display refers to the angular position from home.

    • "JOG SPEED" references the speed or the increment of movement when using the jog keys.

    • The jog speed can be changed by entering a number 0-9. See chart above. Pressing the jog button once will rotate the degrees per step and holding the jog button will rotate at degrees per second.

  3. Go into program mode by pressing the "MODE RUN PROGRAM" Key
    • Go into program mode by pressing the "MODE RUN PROGRAM" Key

    • To clear the current program press and hold the "CLEAR-ZERO SET" key for 5 seconds.

    • Enter program mode by pressing the "MODE RUN PROGRAM " Key to access program mode. The readout should have 4 lines of text.

  4. Press the "DISPLAY SCAN" key to move the cursor to the "G" and press the "-" key. Input your new program number and press "Mode" key to begin. The screen will read "NEW PROGRAM" and then enter program mode. The screen will read "NEW PROGRAM" and then enter program mode.
    • Press the "DISPLAY SCAN" key to move the cursor to the "G" and press the "-" key. Input your new program number and press "Mode" key to begin.

    • The screen will read "NEW PROGRAM" and then enter program mode.

  5. Verify you are in program mode by pressing the "MODE RUN PROGRAM " Key if required to access program mode. The readout should have 4 lines of text.
    • Verify you are in program mode by pressing the "MODE RUN PROGRAM " Key if required to access program mode. The readout should have 4 lines of text.

    • N001 is step 1, S is angular position, G code for function, F for feed rate, L for loop count. then step 2.

    • Input "S", "G", and "F" for each move of the indexer. Note; this model indexer has a 300.000 max feed rate.

    • There are 4 main "G CODES" used, G28 return home, G90 absolute position, G91 incremental position and G99 end of program

    • You can move between text with the arrow keys and use up and down arrows to move to the next 2 lines of program.

    • The last 2 steps of program on the indexer, should be G28 and then G99

  6. In order to use the indexer, you must have the auxiliary function option. When programming the VMC2; press the more soft key, and then auxiliary function and slide aux output key to yes. This step is required to have the indexer rotate per the program in the indexer.
    • In order to use the indexer, you must have the auxiliary function option.

    • When programming the VMC2; press the more soft key, and then auxiliary function and slide aux output key to yes.

    • This step is required to have the indexer rotate per the program in the indexer.

    • Repeat the aux function for each time you need to index the part.

  7. Enter run mode
    • Enter run mode

    • Line 1 shows the (N) step, (G) G-CODE. (P) Commanded position. Line 2 shows the (F) commanded feed. (L) loop count. (PR) Program number. Line 3 shows the current position and Line 4 reports any alarm messages.

    • Press cycle start on indexer control as required until step 1 is active on the indexer run screen.

    • Run RMX control as normal.

  8. While in program edit mode, press and hold the "SCAN DOWN KEY" for 3 seconds to enter the FILE UTILITIES menu. Follow directions on screen to move files between memory and USB device.
    • While in program edit mode, press and hold the "SCAN DOWN KEY" for 3 seconds to enter the FILE UTILITIES menu.

    • Follow directions on screen to move files between memory and USB device.

Finish Line

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Pat Fitzsimmons

Member since: 03/01/2021

27 Guides authored


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