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    • This page will explain the five types of archives and the contents stored in each one. You may create an archive with any combination of these components as follows:

    • NCK: Numeric Control Kernel - Contains: CNC System, servo speed & position loops, program path, execute g code programs. Backup saves: Machine data: setting, option, global user, tool, magazine, protection zone, R parameters, zero offsets, workpieces & programs, manufacturer/user cycles, definitions, macros, collision avoid , compile cycles.

    • PLC: Programmable Logic Controller - Executes commands from NCK to create actions on mill, monitors mechanisms, safety, e-stop, door interlock. Backup saves: PLC user program.

    • Drives: Are the power units to run motors, executes position commands from NCK. Backup saves: Sinamics servo data.

    • HMI: Human Machine Interface - GUI - What is displayed on the touchscreen. Backup saves: Cycle storage, texts, templates, apps, configs, version data, logs, user views, dictionaries.

    • System Settings: This saves data that is stored on the HMI. Backup saves: Drive configurations, TCU (Thin Client Unit) settings, IP address, network settings (for embedded only), mmc.ini (screen info).

  1. Press [E-Stop] Set Manufacture Password.
    • Press [E-Stop]

    • Set Manufacture Password.

    • Only users with Service or Manufacturer access can create or restore backups.

    • Go to [Setup] [2nd Page] [Setup Archive]

    • The Horizontal Menu Level must be blank to access the Setup Archive button. If an Up Arrow appears, press it repeatedly until the level clears.

  2. All data will be highlighted by default. Press [OK] to confirm or [Cancel] to exit. Refer to the inset photo for the file naming convention. You can select specific components or choose to archive all by default. The default storage path is set to [Archives/Manufacturer]. If you wish to select a different path, use the pop-up window to navigate directories, or you can choose to save to an external USB port located on the right edge of the pendant.
    • All data will be highlighted by default. Press [OK] to confirm or [Cancel] to exit.

    • Refer to the inset photo for the file naming convention. You can select specific components or choose to archive all by default.

    • The default storage path is set to [Archives/Manufacturer]. If you wish to select a different path, use the pop-up window to navigate directories, or you can choose to save to an external USB port located on the right edge of the pendant.

    • Press [OK] to finalize and save the archive at the selected location.

  3. After selecting the file, press [OK] to confirm or [Cancel] to exit. The controller will notify you that the mill will stop and restart after completing the archive operation. Press [Yes] to proceed.
    • After selecting the file, press [OK] to confirm or [Cancel] to exit.

    • The controller will notify you that the mill will stop and restart after completing the archive operation. Press [Yes] to proceed.

  4. The archive operation will begin, indicated by a line of dots scrolling to the right in the lower right corner of the touchscreen. This will continue for several minutes. A bar graph will display the status of the operation, and all green lights on the lower keyboard will flash simultaneously during this process.
    • The archive operation will begin, indicated by a line of dots scrolling to the right in the lower right corner of the touchscreen. This will continue for several minutes.

    • A bar graph will display the status of the operation, and all green lights on the lower keyboard will flash simultaneously during this process.

    • Once the archive is complete, you will receive a confirmation message.

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Trent Plungas

Member since: 01/14/2021

69 Guides authored


Siemens Internal Member of Siemens Internal

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